LD 2245
pg. 366
Page 365 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 367 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

To make the relevant information included in a filed record more
accessible once the record is found, this section mandates a higher
fee for longer written records than for shorter ones. Finally,
recognizing that financing statements naming more than one debtor
are most often filed against a husband and wife, any additional
charge for multiple debtors applies to records filed with respect
to more than two debtors, rather than with respect to more than

§9-1526.__Filing-office rules

(1)__The Secretary of State shall adopt and publish rules to
implement this Article.__The filing-office rules must be:

(a)__Consistent with this Article; and

(b)__Adopted and published in accordance with Title 5,
chapter 375.

Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical
rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

(2)__To keep the filing-office rules and practices of the
filing office in harmony with the rules and practices of filing
offices in other jurisdictions that enact substantially this part
and to keep the technology used by the filing office compatible
with the technology used by filing offices in other jurisdictions
that enact substantially this part, the Secretary of State, so
far as is consistent with the purposes, policies and provisions
of this Article, in adopting, amending and repealing filing-
office rules, shall:

(a)__Consult with filing offices in other jurisdictions that
enact substantially this part; and

(b)__Consult the most recent version of the Model Rules
promulgated by the International Association of Corporate
Administrators or any successor organization; and

(c)__Take into consideration the rules and practices of and
the technology used by filing offices in other jurisdictions
that enact substantially this part.

Official Comment

1. Source. New; subsection (b) [Maine cite subsection (2)]
derives in part from the Uniform Consumer Credit Code (1974).

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