LD 2245
pg. 365
Page 364 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 366 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

(a) Sixty dollars if the financing statement indicates that
it is filed in connection with a public-finance transaction;

(b)__Sixty dollars if the financing statement indicates that
it is filed in connection with a manufactured-home

(3)__The number of names required to be indexed does not
affect the amount of the fee in subsections (1) and (2).

(4)__The fee for responding to a request for information from
the filing office, including for communicating whether there is
on file any financing statement naming a particular debtor, is:

(a) Twenty dollars if the request is communicated in
writing; and

(b) Ten dollars if the request is communicated by another
medium authorized by filing-office rule.

(5)__This section does not require a fee with respect to a
record of a mortgage that is effective as a financing statement
filed as a fixture filing or as a financing statement covering
as-extracted collateral or timber to be cut under section 9-1502,
subsection (3).__However, the recording and satisfaction fees
that otherwise would be applicable to the record of the mortgage

Official Comment

1. Source. Various sections of former Part 4.

2. Fees. This section contains all fee requirements for
filing, indexing, and responding to requests for information.
Uniformity in the fee structure (but not necessarily in the
amount of fees) makes this Article easier for secured parties to
use and reduces the likelihood that a filed record will be
rejected for failure to pay at least the correct amount of the
fee. See Section 9-516(b)(2) [Maine cite section 9-1516,
subsection (2), paragraph (b)].

The costs of processing electronic records are less than those
with respect to written records. Accordingly, this section
mandates a lower fee as an incentive to file electronically and
imposes the additional charge (if any) for multiple debtors only
with respect to written records. When written records are used,
this Article encourages the use of the uniform forms in Section
9-521 [Maine cite section 9-1521]. The fee for filing these
forms should be no greater than the fee for other written

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