LD 2245
pg. 381
Page 380 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 382 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

limited to the recovery of any identifiable proceeds from the
debtor. This section establishes only the baseline rights of the
secured party vis-a-vis the debtor-the secured party is entitled
to enforce and collect after default or earlier if so agreed.

7. Deposit Account Collateral. Subsections (a)(4) and (5)
[Maine cite subsection (1), paragraphs (d) and (e)] set forth the
self-help remedy for a secured party whose collateral is a
deposit account. Subsection (a)(4) [Maine cite subsection (1),
paragraph (d)] addresses the rights of a secured party that is
the bank with which the deposit account is maintained. That
secured party automatically has control of the deposit account
under Section 9-104(a)(1) [Maine cite section 9-1104, subsection
(1), paragraph (a)]. After default, and otherwise if so agreed,
the bank/secured party may apply the funds on deposit to the
secured obligation.

If a security interest of a third party is perfected by
control (Section 9-104(a)(2) or (a)(3) [Maine cite section 9-
1104, subsection (1), paragraph (b) or (c)]), then after default,
and otherwise if so agreed, the secured party may instruct the
bank to pay out the funds in the account. If the third party has
control under Section 9-104(a)(3) [Maine cite section 9-1104,
subsection (1), paragraph (c)], the depositary institution is
obliged to obey the instruction because the secured party is its
customer. See Section 4-401. If the third party has control
under Section 9-104(a)(2) [Maine cite section 9-1104, subsection
(1), paragraph (b)], the control agreement determines the
depositary institution's obligation to obey.

If a security interest in a deposit account is unperfected, or
is perfected by filing by virtue of the proceeds rules of Section
9-315 [Maine cite section 9-1315], the depositary institution
ordinarily owes no obligation to obey the secured party's
instructions. See Section 9-341 [Maine cite section 9-1341]. To
reach the funds without the debtor's cooperation, the secured
party must use an available judicial procedure.

8. Rights Against Mortgagor of Real Property. Subsection (b)
[Maine cite subsection (2)] addresses the situation in which the
collateral consists of a mortgage note (or other obligation
secured by a mortgage on real property). After the debtor's
(mortgagee's) default, the secured party (assignee) may wish to
proceed with a nonjudicial foreclosure of the mortgage securing
the note but may be unable to do so because it has not become the
assignee of record. The assignee/secured party may not have
taken a recordable assignment at the commencement of the
transaction (perhaps the mortgage note in question was one of
hundreds assigned to the secured party as collateral). Having
defaulted, the mortgagee may be unwilling to sign a recordable

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