LD 2245
pg. 397
Page 396 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 398 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

notification of the disposition, the holder of the conflicting
security interest would have the right to recover any loss under
Section 9-625(b) [Maine cite section 9-1625, subsection (2)].

5. Authentication Requirement. Subsections (b) and (c)
[Maine cite subsections (2) and (3)] explicitly provide that a
notification of disposition must be "authenticated." Some cases
read former Section 9-504(3) as validating oral notification.

6. Second Try. This Article leaves to judicial resolution,
based upon the facts of each case, the question whether the
requirement of "reasonable notification" requires a "second try,"
i.e., whether a secured party who sends notification and learns
that the debtor did not receive it must attempt to locate the
debtor and send another notification.

7. Recognized Market; Perishable Collateral. New subsection
(d) [Maine cite subsection (4)] makes it clear that there is no
obligation to give notification of a disposition in the case of
perishable collateral or collateral customarily sold on a
recognized market (e.g., marketable securities). Former Section
9-504(3) might be read (incorrectly) to relieve the secured party
from its duty to notify a debtor but not from its duty to notify
other secured parties in connection with dispositions of such

8. Failure to Conduct Notified Disposition. Nothing in this
Article prevents a secured party from electing not to conduct a
disposition after sending a notification. Nor does this Article
prevent a secured party from electing to send a revised
notification if its plans for disposition change. This assumes,
however, that the secured party acts in good faith, the revised
notification is reasonable, and the revised plan for disposition
and any attendant delay are commercially reasonable.

9. Waiver. A debtor or secondary obligor may waive the right
to notification under this section only by a post-default
authenticated agreement. See Section 9-624(a) [Maine cite
section 9-1624, subsection (1)].

§9-1612.__Timeliness of notification before disposition of


(1)__Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2), whether a
notification is sent within a reasonable time is a question of

(2)__In a transaction other than a consumer transaction, a
notification of disposition sent after default and 10 days or
more before the earliest time of disposition set forth in the

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