LD 2245
pg. 398
Page 397 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 399 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

notification is sent within a reasonable time before the

Official Comment

1. Source. New.

2. Reasonable Notification. Section 9-611(b) [Maine cite
section 9-1611, subsection (2)] requires the secured party to
send a "reasonable authenticated notification." Under that
section, as under former Section 9-504(3), one aspect of a
reasonable notification is its timeliness. This generally means
that the notification must be sent at a reasonable time in
advance of the date of a public disposition or the date after
which a private disposition is to be made. A notification that
is sent so near to the disposition date that a notified person
could not be expected to act on or take account of the
notification would be unreasonable.

3. Timeliness of Notification: Safe Harbor. The 10-day
notice period in subsection (b) [Maine cite subsection (2)] is
intended to be a "safe harbor" and not a minimum requirement. To
qualify for the "safe harbor" the notification must be sent after
default. A notification also must be sent in a commercially
reasonable manner. See Section 9-611(b) [Maine cite section 9-
1611, subsection (2)] ("reasonable authenticated notification").
Those requirements prevent a secured party from taking advantage
of the "safe harbor" by, for example, giving the debtor a
notification at the time of the original extension of credit or
sending the notice by surface mail to a debtor overseas.

§9-1613.__Contents and form of notification before disposition of

collateral: general

Except in a consumer-goods transaction, the following rules

(1)__The contents of a notification of disposition are
sufficient if the notification:

(a)__Describes the debtor and the secured party;

(b)__Describes the collateral that is the subject of the
intended disposition;

(c)__States the method of intended disposition;

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