LD 2245
pg. 409
Page 408 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 410 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

(ii)__Provides an explanation in accordance with
subsection (3) of how the secured party calculated the
surplus or deficiency;

(iii)__States, if applicable, that future debits,
credits, charges including additional credit service
charges or interest, rebates and expenses may affect
the amount of the surplus or deficiency; and

(iv)__Provides a telephone number or mailing address
from which additional information concerning the
transaction is available; and

(b)__"Request" means a record:

(i)__Authenticated by a debtor or consumer obligor;

(ii)__Requesting that the recipient provide an
explanation; and

(iii)__Sent after disposition of the collateral under
section 9-1610.

(2)__In a consumer-goods transaction in which the debtor is
entitled to a surplus or a consumer obligor is liable for a
deficiency under section 9-1615, the secured party shall:

(a)__Send an explanation to the debtor or consumer obligor,
as applicable, after the disposition and:

(i)__Before or when the secured party accounts to the
debtor and pays any surplus or first makes written
demand on the consumer obligor after the disposition
for payment of the deficiency; and

(ii)__Within 14 days after receipt of a request; or

(b)__In the case of a consumer obligor who is liable for a
deficiency, within 14 days after receipt of a request, send
to the consumer obligor a record waiving the secured party's
right to a deficiency.

(3)__To comply with subsection (1), paragraph (a),
subparagraph (ii), a writing must provide the following
information in the following order:

(a)__The aggregate amount of obligations secured by the
security interest under which the disposition was made and,
if the amount reflects a rebate of unearned interest or

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