LD 2245
pg. 410
Page 409 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 411 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

credit service charge, an indication of that fact,
calculated as of a specified date:

(i)__If the secured party takes or receives possession
of the collateral after default, not more than 35 days
before the secured party takes or receives possession;

(ii)__If the secured party takes or receives possession
of the collateral before default or does not take
possession of the collateral, not more than 35 days
before the disposition;

(b)__The amount of proceeds of the disposition;

(c)__The aggregate amount of the obligations after deducting
the amount of proceeds;

(d)__The amount, in the aggregate or by type, and types of
expenses, including expenses of retaking, holding, preparing
for disposition, processing and disposing of the collateral,
and attorney's fees secured by the collateral that are known
to the secured party and relate to the current disposition;

(e)__The amount, in the aggregate or by type, and types of
credits, including rebates of interest or credit service
charges, to which the obligor is known to be entitled and
that are not reflected in the amount in paragraph (a); and

(f)__The amount of the surplus or deficiency.

(4)__A particular phrasing of the explanation is not required.__
An explanation complying substantially with the requirements of
subsection (1) is sufficient, even if it includes minor errors
that are not seriously misleading.

(5)__A debtor or consumer obligor is entitled without charge
to one response to a request under this section during any 6-
month period in which the secured party did not send to the
debtor or consumer obligor an explanation pursuant to subsection
(2), paragraph (a).__The secured party may require payment of a
charge not exceeding $25 for each additional response.

Official Comment

1. Source. New.

2. Duty to Send Information Concerning Surplus or Deficiency.
This section reflects the view that, in every

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