LD 2245
pg. 411
Page 410 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 412 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

consumer-goods transaction, the debtor or obligor is entitled to
know the amount of a surplus or deficiency and the basis upon
which the surplus or deficiency was calculated. Under subsection
(b)(1) [Maine cite subsection (2), paragraph (a)], a secured
party is obligated to provide this information (an "explanation,"
defined in subsection (a)(1) [Maine cite subsection (1),
paragraph (a)]) no later than the time that it accounts for and
pays a surplus or the time of its first written attempt to
collect the deficiency. The obligor need not make a request for
an accounting in order to receive an explanation. A secured
party who does not attempt to collect a deficiency in writing or
account for and pay a surplus has no obligation to send an
explanation under subsection (b)(1) [Maine cite subsection (2),
paragraph (a)] and, consequently, cannot be liable for

A debtor or secondary obligor need not wait until the secured
party commences written collection efforts in order to receive an
explanation of how a deficiency or surplus was calculated.
Subsection (b)(2) [Maine cite subsection (2), paragraph (b)]
obliges the secured party to send an explanation within 14 days
after it receives a "request" (defined in subsection (a)(2)
[Maine cite subsection (1), paragraph (b)]).

3. Explanation of Calculation of Surplus or Deficiency.
Subsection (c) [Maine cite subsection (3)] contains the
requirements for how a calculation of a surplus or deficiency
must be explained in order to satisfy subsection (a)(1)(B) [Maine
cite subsection (1), paragraph (a), subparagraph (ii)]. It gives
a secured party some discretion concerning rebates of interest or
credit service charges. The secured party may include these
rebates in the aggregate amount of obligations secured, under
subsection (c)(1) [Maine cite subsection (3), paragraph (a)], or
may include them with other types of rebates and credits under
subsection (c)(5) [Maine cite subsection (3), paragraph (e)].
Rebates of interest or credit service charges are the only types
of rebates for which this discretion is provided. If the secured
party provides an explanation that includes rebates of pre-
computed interest, its explanation must so indicate. The
expenses and attorney's fees to be described pursuant to
subsection (c)(4) [Maine cite subsection (3), paragraph (d)] are
those relating to the most recent disposition, not those that may
have been incurred in connection with earlier enforcement efforts
and which have been resolved by the parties.

4. Liability for Noncompliance. A secured party who fails to
comply with subsection (b)(2) [Maine cite subsection (2),
paragraph (b)] is liable for any loss caused plus $500. See
Section 9-625(b), (c), (e)(6) [Maine cite section 9-1625,
subsection (2), subsection (3), subsection (5), paragraph (f)].

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