LD 2245
pg. 82
Page 81 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 83 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

(3)]. These paragraphs reflect the view that Article 9 [Maine
cite Article 9-A] should apply to security interests created by a
State, foreign country, or a "governmental unit" (defined in
Section 9-102) [Maine cite section 9-1102] of either except to
the extent that another statute governs the issue in question.
Under paragraph (2) [Maine cite paragraph (b)], this Article
defers to all statutes of the forum State. (A forum cannot
determine whether it should consult the choice-of-law rules in
the forum's UCC unless it first determines that its UCC applies
to the transaction before it.) Paragraph (3) [Maine cite
paragraph (c)] defers to statutes of another State or a foreign
country only to the extent that those statutes contain rules
applicable specifically to security interests created by the
governmental unit in question.

Example 2: A New Jersey state commission creates a security
interest in favor of a New York bank. The validity of the
security interest is litigated in New York. The relevant
security agreement provides that it is governed by New York law.
To the extent that a New Jersey statute contains rules peculiar
to creation of security interests by governmental units
generally, to creation of security interests by state
commissions, or to creation of security interests by this
particular state commission, then that law will govern. On the
other hand, to the extent that New Jersey law provides that
security interests created by governmental units, state
commissions, or this state commission are governed by the law
generally applicable to secured transactions (i.e., New Jersey's
Article 9), then New York's Article 9 will govern.

Example 3: An airline that is an instrumentality of a foreign
country creates a security interest in favor of a New York bank.
The analysis used in the previous example would apply here. That
is, if the matter is litigated in New York, New York law would
govern except to the extent that the foreign country enacted a
statute applicable to security interests created by governmental
units generally or by the airline specifically.

The fact that New York law applies does not necessarily mean
that perfection is accomplished by filing in New York. Rather,
it means that the court should apply New York's Article 9,
including its choice-of-law provisions. Under New York's Section
9-301, perfection is governed by the law of the jurisdiction in
which the debtor is located. Section 9-307 determines the
debtor's location for choice-of-law purposes.

If a transaction does not bear an appropriate relation to the
forum State, then that State's Article 9 [Maine cite Article 9-A]
will not apply, regardless of whether the transaction would be
excluded by paragraph (3) [Maine cite paragraph (c)].

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