LD 2245
pg. 89
Page 88 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 90 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

(b) Extend the application of the rule of law, statute or rule
to a transaction not otherwise subject to rule of law, statute
or rule.

Official Comment

1. Source. Former Sections 9-201, 9-203(4).

2. Effectiveness of Security Agreement. Subsection (a)
[Maine cite subsection (1)] provides that a security agreement is
generally effective. With certain exceptions, a security
agreement is effective between the debtor and secured party and
is likewise effective against third parties. Note that "security
agreement" is used here (and elsewhere in this Article) as it is
defined in Section 9-102 [Maine cite section 9-1102]: "an
agreement that creates or provides for a security interest." It
follows that subsection (a) [Maine cite subsection (1)] does not

provide that every term or provision contained in a record that
contains a security agreement or that is so labeled is effective.
Properly read, former Section 9-201 was to the same effect.
Exceptions to the general rule of subsection (a) [Maine cite
subsection (1)] arise where there is an overriding provision in
this Article or any other Article of the UCC. For example,
Section 9-317 [Maine cite section 9-1317] subordinates
unperfected security interests to lien creditors and certain
buyers, and several provisions in Part 3 subordinate some
security interests to other security interests and interests of

3. Law, Statutes, and Regulations Applicable to Certain
Transactions. Subsection (b) [Maine cite subsection (2)] makes
clear that certain transactions, although subject to this
Article, also are subject to other applicable laws relating to
consumers or specified in that subsection. Subsection (c) [Maine
cite subsection (3)] provides that the other law is controlling
in the event of a conflict, and that a violation of other law
does not ipso facto constitute a violation of this Article.
Subsection (d) [Maine cite subsection (4)] provides that this
Article does not validate violations under or extend the
application of the other applicable laws.

§9-1202.__Title to collateral immaterial

Except as otherwise provided with respect to consignments or
sales of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles or
promissory notes, the provisions of this Article with regard to
rights and obligations apply whether title to collateral is in
the secured party or the debtor.

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