LD 2245
pg. 90
Page 89 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 91 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

Official Comment

1. Source. Former Section 9-202.

2. Title Immaterial. The rights and duties of parties to a
secured transaction and affected third parties are provided in
this Article without reference to the location of "title" to the
collateral. For example, the characteristics of a security
interest that secures the purchase price of goods are the same
whether the secured party appears to have retained title or the
debtor appears to have obtained title and then conveyed title or
a lien to the secured party.

3. When Title Matters.

a. Under This Article. This section explicitly
acknowledges two circumstances in which the effect of
certain Article 9 [Maine cite Article 9-A] provisions
turns on ownership (title). First, in some respects
sales of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles,
and promissory notes receive special treatment. See,
e.g., Sections 9-207(a), 9-210(b), 9-615(e) [Maine cite
section 9-1207, subsection (1), section 9-1210,
subsection (2), section 9-1615, subsection (5)].
Buyers of receivables under former Article 9 were
treated specially, as well. See, e.g., former Section
9502(2). Second, the remedies of a consignor under a
true consignment and, for the most part, the remedies
of a buyer of accounts, chattel paper, payment
intangibles, or promissory notes are determined by
other law and not by Part 6. See Section 9601(g)
[Maine cite section 9-1601, subsection (7)].

b. Under Other Law. This Article does not determine
which line of interpretation (e.g., title theory or
lien theory, retained title or conveyed title) should
be followed in cases in which the applicability of
another rule of law depends upon who has title. If,
for example, a revenue law imposes a tax on the "legal"
owner of goods or if a corporation law makes a vote of
the stockholders prerequisite to a corporation "giving"
a security interest but not if it acquires property
"subject" to a security interest, this Article does not
attempt to define whether the secured party is a
"legal" owner or whether the transaction "gives" a
security interest for the purpose of such laws. Other
rules of law or the agreement of the parties determines
the location and source of title for those purposes.

§9-1203.__Attachment and enforceability of security interest;

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