LD 2246
pg. 8
Page 7 of 13 An Act to Amend the Nutrient Management Laws Page 9 of 13
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LR 3079
Item 1

fed that was not operating as a swine feeding operation on March 1,
1998.__This section is repealed October 1, 2001.

§4213.__Annual report; Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural


The commissioner shall report to the joint standing committee
having jurisdiction over agricultural matters no later than
February 15th of each year on the implementation of this chapter.__
The report must include the number of people certified to prepare
nutrient management plans, a summary of the notifications
received for nutrient management plans, the number of
applications for livestock operations permits and the number of
permits__issued, availability of financing or financial
assistance for animal waste storage facilities and barriers to
implementation of this chapter.__The report must also include a
summary of__permitting activity for animal feeding operations in
this State under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination

Sec. 8. 12 MRSA §685-A, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1997, c. 642, §3, is
further amended to read:

5. Considerations, application and exemptions. A land use
standard may not deprive an owner or lessee or subsequent owner
or lessee of any interest in real estate of the use to which it
is lawfully devoted at the time of adoption of that standard.
Year-round and seasonal single residences and operating farms in
existence and use as of September 23, 1971, while so used, and
new accessory buildings or structures or renovations of the
buildings or structures that are or may be necessary to the
satisfactory and comfortable continuation of these residential
and farm uses are exempt from the requirements of section 685-B,
subsection 1.

Land use standards adopted pursuant to this chapter for
management districts may not limit the right, method or manner of
cutting or removing timber or crops, the construction and
maintenance of hauling roads, the operation of machinery or the
erection of buildings and other structures used primarily for
agricultural or commercial forest product purposes, including
tree farms. Notwithstanding this subsection, a permit from the
commission is required for roads covering a ground area of 3
acres or more constructed in management districts, unless those
roads are constructed and maintained in accordance with the
guidelines of the commission's Land Use Handbook, Section 6,
"Erosion Control on Logging Jobs," or as revised. The commission
may require a person constructing a road to notify the commission
of the location of the road within 21 days. Notwithstanding this
subsection, the commission may adopt rules in accordance with

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