LD 2246
pg. 9
Page 8 of 13 An Act to Amend the Nutrient Management Laws Page 10 of 13
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LR 3079
Item 1

Title 7, section 4206 to regulate large concentrated animal feeding

Land use standards adopted pursuant to this chapter must
establish a minimum setback of 100 feet for all structures within
a commercial sporting camp complex that are constructed solely
for the housing of guests, including structures within a main
sporting camp complex and an outpost camp. The standards must
establish a minimum setback of 150 feet for all other structures
within a sporting camp complex, including, but not limited to, a
main lodge, a dining area, a workshop and a parking area.

In adopting district boundaries and land use standards, the
commission shall give consideration to public and private
planning reports and other data available to it, and shall give
weight to existing uses of land and to any reasonable plan of its
owner as to its future use.

A permit from the commission is not required for the repair or
maintenance of county-owned roads, bridges or culverts as long as
the repair or maintenance is conducted in accordance with
commission standards that pertain to these activities.

Sec. 9. 36 MRSA §656, sub-§1, ¶J is enacted to read:

J.__An animal waste storage facility.__For the purposes of
this section, "animal waste storage facility" means a
structure or pit constructed and used solely for storing
manure, animal bedding waste or other wastes generated by
animal production.__For a facility to be eligible for this
exemption, the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources must certify that a nutrient management plan has
been prepared in accordance with Title 7, section 4204 for
the farm utilizing that animal waste storage facility.

Sec. 10. 36 MRSA §1760, sub-§81 is enacted to read:

81.__Animal waste storage facility.__Any materials for the
construction, repair or maintenance of an animal waste storage
facility.__For the purposes of this section, "animal waste
storage facility" means a structure or pit constructed and used
solely for storing manure, animal bedding waste or other wastes
generated by animal production.__For a facility to be eligible
for this exemption, the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Resources must certify that a nutrient management plan has
been prepared in accordance with Title 7, section 4204 for the
farm utilizing that animal waste storage facility.

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