LD 2267
pg. 1
LD 2267 Title Page An Act to Amend the Definition of Marital Property LD 2267 Title Page
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LR 3463
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 19-A MRSA §953, sub-§2, ¶¶D and E, as enacted by PL 1995, c.
694, Pt. B, §2 and affected by Pt. E, §2, are amended to read:

D. Property excluded by valid agreement of the parties; and

E. The increase in value of property acquired prior to the
marriage.; and

Sec. 2. 19-A MRSA §953, sub-§2, ¶F is enacted to read:

F.__Any increase in the value of an intangible asset such as
stocks, bonds, bank accounts, mutual funds and certificates
of deposit, regardless of whether the increase is
attributable to dividends, interests or appreciation, if the
asset was acquired prior to the marriage or by gift,
bequest, devise or descent.

Sec. 3. Application. This Act applies to divorce judgments entered
after the effective date of this Act.


This bill amends the definition of "marital property" to
specifically exclude any increase in the value of an intangible
asset, such as stocks or bonds, if the asset was acquired prior
to the marriage or by gift, bequest, devise or descent.

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