LD 2304
pg. 1
LD 2304 Title Page Resolve, to Evaluate Accountability of the Child Development Services Delivery ... Page 2 of 2
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LR 3767
Item 1

Sec. 1. Audit of Child Development Services System. Resolved: That the
Department of Education shall contract with an independent entity
to conduct an audit of the Child Development Services System,
referred to in this section as "CDS," as established in the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 7724. The audit must
include an assessment of the following and a determination of
compliance with existing laws, rules and regulations:

1. The impact of changes made at CDS sites on the
availability of the current provider network to serve children;

2. The cost effectiveness of direct CDS hires compared to
costs of services from contract agencies, including all costs
associated with delivery of services, such as overhead, space,
support staff, equipment and supplies and staff development;

3. The determination of payment source for children receiving
services from CDS sites compared to payment source for children
referred to contract agencies;

4. The availability of the contract agencies on the effective
date of this resolve and at the time CDS sites employed their own
therapy staff;

5. The adequacy of the physical facilities at CDS sites
compared to contract agencies for providing the specialty
treatments needed for this population;

6. The use of case loads and productivity for direct hire CDS
staff as a basis for determining actual cost of services;

7. The qualifications of direct hire staff and supervision of
assistants as required by licensure regulations;

8. The adequacy of documentation and compliance with Medicaid
policy by direct hires compared to contract agencies; and

9. The impact of CDS sites hiring their own staff on the
small businesses previously providing services; and be it further

Sec. 2. Copies of audit provided to legislative committee. Resolved: That the
Department of Education shall provide copies of the audit
prepared pursuant to section 1 to the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over education matters by
December 1, 2000.

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