LD 2333
pg. 8
Page 7 of 9 An Act to Clarify the Laws Relating to Corporate and Other Entities Page 9 of 9
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LR 3692
Item 1

B. When the registered agent does not appoint a successor:

(1) A statement of resignation;

(2) The names of all the limited liability
partnerships; and

(3) An attached affidavit stating that on or about the
date of the filing of the certificate of resignation,
notices were , signed by the registered agent, setting
forth the following information:

(a)__The date on which the notice of resignation
was sent by certified or registered mail to a
partner of each registered limited liability
partnership from which the registered agent is
resigning at the address of the partner, as shown
on the most recent annual report of a as
registered agent; and

(b)__The name, capacity and address of a partner
for each registered limited liability partnership
to which the notice of resignation was sent.

Sec. 27. 31 MRSA §823, sub-§3, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 633, Pt.
B, §1, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

B.__Except as provided in the following:

(1)__A change in the registered agent and registered
office as provided in section 807, subsection 3,
paragraph A or a change in the registered office or a
change in the name of any person acting as the
registered agent as provided in section 807, subsection
3, paragraph B; or

(2)__A resignation of a registered agent as provided in
section 807, subsection 5;

Sec. 28. 31 MRSA §871, sub-§§6 and 12, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 633,
Pt. B, §1, are amended to read:

6. Change of registered agent and registered office or
registered office for registered limited liability partnerships.
For filing a certificate by a registered agent under section 807,
subsection 3, paragraph B to change the registered office or to
change the name of the current registered agent or for filing a
certificate of amendment under section 823 changing to change the

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