LD 2342
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Add Emergency Medical Services to the Municipal Fire Department Autho... LD 2342 Title Page
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LR 3579
Item 1

Unless otherwise provided by charter or ordinance, the
municipal officers may authorize the municipal fire department to
aid in extinguishing fires in other municipalities by providing
all the municipal fire department's available resources.
Municipal and volunteer firefighters when assisting other
municipalities have the same privileges and immunities as when
acting in their own municipality. Any municipality may
compensate an aiding municipality or volunteer fire association
for damage to the aiding department department's or association's
property and to any firefighter or to the firefighter's surviving
spouse or dependents because of injury or death sustained in the
course of rendering aid to that municipality.

Sec. 5. 30-A MRSA §5725, sub-§9, as amended by PL 1989, c. 104, Pt. C,
§§8 and 10, is further amended to read:

9. Ambulance. Provide for a public ambulance ambulances and
garage garages for it them for all appropriate purposes,
including emergency medical services and nonemergency transport,
or support an another ambulance service serving its the residents
of the municipality;


This bill clarifies that the terms "resident" and "residence"
are applicable to legal entities as well as to individuals for
the purpose of the provision of emergency services.

The bill also specifically authorizes municipal fire
departments to provide ambulance service, including interfacility
ambulance transport, and emergency medical treatment. It enables
the provision of these services pursuant to mutual aid

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