LD 2378
pg. 1
LD 2378 Title Page RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine Establishing a ... Page 2 of 2
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LR 3526
Item 1

Constitutional amendment. Resolved: Two thirds of each branch of the
Legislature concurring, that the following amendment to the
Constitution of Maine be proposed:

Constitution, Art. IX, §24 is enacted to read:

Section 24.__Budget stabilization fund.__A budget
stabilization fund is established.__Funds in the budget
stabilization fund may not exceed 10% of the total General Fund
revenues received in the immediately preceding state fiscal year
and may be expended only for the following purposes: to offset
General Fund revenue shortfalls in state fiscal years in which
actual revenues fall short or are projected to fall short of the
accepted General Fund revenue estimates; for prepayment of
outstanding General Fund bonds; for prepayment of any unfunded
liabilities of the Maine State Retirement System, or any
successor agency, related to retirement benefits for state
government employees or teachers; to reduce the balance in the
budget stabilization fund for current expenditure needs in order
to avoid serious fiscal dislocation or disruption directly
affecting Maine citizens; to reserve for unfunded liabilities of
State Government; or for major construction.__For purposes of
this section, "major construction" is defined as being any single
project with a total cost exceeding $1,000,000.__When actual
General Fund revenues at the end of any fiscal year exceed the
accepted General Fund revenue estimates, 75% of the excess
revenues must be placed in the budget stabilization fund.__Funds
may be expended from this fund only upon approval by 2/3 of both
Houses of the Legislature.

; and be it

Constitutional referendum procedure; form of question; effective date. Resolved:
That the municipal officers of this State shall notify the
inhabitants of their respective cities, towns and plantations to
meet, in the manner prescribed by law for holding a general
election, at the next general election in the month of November
following passage of this resolution, to vote upon the
ratification of the amendment proposed in this resolution by
voting upon the following question:

"Do you favor amending the Constitution of Maine to
establish a budget stabilization fund to be used to
stabilize the General Fund in the event of an economic
downturn as well as to provide resources for debt payments
on general obligation bonds, unfunded liabilities and
capital construction projects exceeding $1,000,000?"

The legal voters of each city, town and plantation shall vote
by ballot on this question and designate their choice by a

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