LD 2389
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Facilitate the Implementation of the E-9-1-1 System Page 3 of 3
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LR 3446
Item 1

§2932.__Designated emergency telephone number

1.__Designated emergency telephone number.__The primary
telephone number to be used in a telephone exchange to request
emergency services following the activation of E-9-1-1 services
for that exchange, including the number for telecommunications
devices for communication for the deaf, hard-of-hearing and
speech impaired, is 9-1-1.

2.__Publishing of 9-1-1.__Every publisher of a telephone
number directory must include in a conspicuous portion of any
directory that it publishes for use in an area of Maine 9-1-1 as
the primary telephone number to request emergency services for
the exchanges in which E-9-1-1 services have been activated.__A
publisher may wait until the next regular printing of a directory
following activation of an exchange to comply with this

3.__Prohibition against using 9-1-1 for commercial purposes.__
The number 9-1-1 may not be used for any other purpose, including
but not limited to commercial advertising, other than as the
primary emergency telephone number to request emergency services.

4.__Display of 9-1-1.__When displayed on emergency vehicles,
signs and in other formats designed to advertise the number and
its use to the public, 9-1-1 must be printed in plain block type
numerals with a dash between each number and must be accompanied
by the word "emergency."

Sec. 5. 35-A MRSA §7501-A, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 45, is amended
to read:

§7501-A. Emergency numbers in directories

Every telephone company shall publisher of a telephone number
directory must include in a conspicuous portion of any directory
that it publishes after the effective date of this section the
emergency numbers of the State Police and any sheriffs'
departments that serve the directory area prior to the activation
of E-9-1-1 services in the directory area. Subsequent to the
activation of E-9-1-1 services for the entire directory area, the
only published number for all emergency services must be 9-1-1
pursuant to Title 25, section 2932.

Sec. 6. Retroactivity. That section of this Act that repeals the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 25, section 2927, subsection 7-A
applies retroactively to September 1, 1999.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.

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