LD 2389
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Facilitate the Implementation of the E-9-1-1 System LD 2389 Title Page
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LR 3446
Item 1


The bill does the following.

1. It keeps the special statewide E-9-1-1 surcharge in place
by retroactively repealing a provision that repealed the
subsections of statute requiring the surcharge to be collected
and remitted to the E-9-1-1 fund.

2. It allows a public safety agency to listen to an audio
recording of an E-9-1-1 telephone call for the purpose of
investigating allegations of misconduct against the agency or its

3. It designates the numerals "9-1-1" as the primary
telephone number to request emergency services following the
activation of the E-9-1-1 services for a telephone exchange. The
primary number for telecommunications devices for communication
for the deaf, hard-of-hearing and speech impaired is "9-1-1."

4. It prohibits the use of the numerals "9-1-1" for purposes,
including commercial advertising, other than to request emergency
services. It also requires 9-1-1 to be in block lettering when
used to advertise the number and its use to the public.

5. It requires telephone companies to publish 9-1-1 as the
primary emergency telephone number for those exchanges in which
E-9-1-1 services have been activated.

This bill is an emergency because E-9-1-1 services will be
activated in various regions across the State over an estimated
18-month period beginning in early 2000. The statutory changes
are needed prior to the system coming on line.

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