LD 2466
pg. 6
Page 5 of 8 An Act to Promote the Safe Conduct of Fireworks Displays in the State of Maine ... Page 7 of 8
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LR 3449
Item 1

7.__Application.__Submit an application to the department that
contains the following:

A.__Full name;

B.__Full current address;

C.__Social security number;

D.__Date of birth; and

E.__A statement granting the commissioner authority to check
the criminal records of the applicant.

§232.__Fireworks technician assistant's license qualifications

A person may not act as a fireworks technician assistant
unless the person meets the qualifications specified in this
section and obtains a license.__The person must:

1.__Age.__Be at least 18 years of age;

2.__Graduate.__Be a graduate of an accredited high school or
has been granted high school equivalency status by the State; and

3.__Application.__Submit an application to the department that
contains the following:

A.__Full name;

B.__Full current address;

C.__Social security number;

D.__Date of birth; and

E.__The signature of the licensed fireworks technician who
will provide supervision while the assistant performs the
duties authorized by the license of the fireworks technician


All license and permit fees received pursuant to this chapter
by the department must be used for carrying out this chapter.__
Any balance of these fees may not lapse but must be carried
forward as a continuing account to be expended for the same
purpose in the following fiscal years.

1.__Fee for fireworks technician.__The fee for a fireworks
technician license is $25.

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