LD 2487
pg. 5
Page 4 of 30 An Act to Amend the Jurisdiction of the District Court Page 6 of 30
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LR 3308
Item 1

suitable age or discretion at the defendant's dwelling place or
usual place of abode or by sending it by certified mail to the
defendant's last known address. The summons must inform the
defendant of the time limit for filing an answer to the complaint
and the consequences of failing to do so. The complaint must
contain a conclusion indicating the violation of a statute or rule,
citing the statute or rule violated and stating the relief

3.__Witness sworn.__At the hearing, before any testimony is
received, the presiding judge shall swear in the witness.

4.__Official record.__The presiding judge shall prepare an
official record, including testimony and exhibits, in each case
but need not have a transcript of the testimony prepared unless
required for rehearing or appeal. The record of the hearing may
be taken by stenographic notes or by mechanical or electronic

5.__Disposition by agreement.__On approval of the presiding
judge, disposition of any case may be made by agreement or
consent decree.

6.__Emergency proceedings.__The District Court has
jurisdiction to revoke temporarily or suspend a license without
notice or hearing upon the verified complaint of a licensing
agency or the Attorney General.__The complaint must be
accompanied by affidavits demonstrating that summary action is
necessary to prevent an immediate threat to the public health,
safety or welfare. Upon issuance of an order revoking or
suspending a license under this section, the District Court shall
promptly schedule a hearing on the agency's complaint, which
hearing must take precedence over all other matters except older
matters of the same character on the docket of the court. Any
order temporarily suspending or revoking a license expires within
30 days of issuance unless renewed by the court after such
hearing as it may determine necessary.

This subsection may not be considered to abridge or affect the
jurisdiction of the Superior Court to issue injunctive relief or
to exercise such other powers as may be authorized by law or rule
of the court.

7.__Decisions.__After hearing, on default or by agreement of
the parties, the District Court may suspend, revoke or modify the
license of any party properly served with process or, if the
applicable law so provides, the court may order issuance of a
license to an applicant according to the terms of the applicable
law.__The District Court may take any other action with relation

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