LD 2557
pg. 14
Page 13 of 15 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission to Establ... Page 15 of 15
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LR 3953
Item 1

When a digital signature is used in a transaction involving a
state department, agency, office, board, commission, quasi-
independent agency, authority or institution, it must conform to
rules adopted by the Secretary of State.__Rules adopted pursuant to
this section are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

§9504.__Effect of use of digital signature

A digital signature may be accepted as a substitute for, and,
if accepted, has the same force and effect as the use of, a
manual signature.

§9505.__Use of digital signature

The use or acceptance of a digital signature is at the option
of the parties.__Nothing in this chapter requires a public entity
to use or permit the use of a digital signature.


Except as otherwise specifically provided, nothing in this
chapter may be construed to preempt, replace or otherwise negate
the requirements of chapter 1051.

Sec. 3. Resolve 1999, c. 89, §7 is amended to read:

Sec.* 7. Report. Resolved: That no later than December 1, 1999, the
commission shall submit its initial report, together with any
necessary implementing legislation, to the Joint Standing
Committee on Business and Economic Development 119th Legislature
and the Executive Director of the Legislative Council. The Joint
Standing Committee on Business and Economic Development is
authorized to report out a bill during the Second Regular Session
of the 119th Legislature concerning the findings and
recommendations of the commission.

The commission is authorized to meet following the conclusion
of the Second Regular Session of the 119th Legislature to
continue its work.__The commission shall end its work by November
15, 2000.__The commission shall submit its 2nd report, together
with any necessary implementing legislation, to the First Regular
Session of the 120th Legislature.

If the commission requires an extension, it may apply to the
Legislative Council, which may grant the extension; and be it

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