LD 2600
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LD 2600 Title Page An Act to Implement the Land Use Recommendations of the Task Force on State Off... Page 2 of 23
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §1742-D, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1991, c. 780, Pt. Y,
§59, is further amended to read:

2. Establish standards; waiver. The Bureau of General
Services shall establish the following:

A. Standards for occupant safety and comfort in leased
space must be that are consistent with law and all
applicable building, fire, handicapped accessibility and
environmental codes; and

B. By July 1, 1991, standards for space use for all state
facilities that ensure the equitable and efficient
distribution of available floor space, including common
areas, consistent with cost, program and functional

The Director of the Bureau of General Services may provide a
waiver of the standards and criteria established under this
section if the director concludes that the unique conditions of
location, program or employee function require such a waiver or
in order to meet the purpose of Title 30-A, section 4349-A,
subsection 2, relating to priority locations for state office
buildings, courts and other state civic buildings.

Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §1742-D, sub-§10 is enacted to read:

10. Downtown Leasehold Improvement Fund.__The Downtown
Leasehold Improvement Fund, referred to in this subsection as the
"fund," is established within the Bureau of General Services to
assist state agencies in securing suitable space in downtowns
whenever possible by providing for capital improvements to real
property leased by the State in downtowns necessary to meet
public health, safety and accessibility requirements of federal,
state and local statutes and codes.

The fund is a nonlapsing fund consisting of sums that are
appropriated by the Legislature or transferred to the fund from
time to time by the Treasurer of State, the proceeds of notes or
bonds issued by the State for the purpose of deposit in the fund,
grants and awards made to the State or an instrumentality of the
State by the Federal Government for the purpose for which the
fund has been established and other funds from any public or
private source received for use for the purpose for which the
fund has been established.

The bureau shall invest in leasehold improvements from this fund
only when it determines that the length and other terms of

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