LD 2600
pg. 17
Page 16 of 23 An Act to Implement the Land Use Recommendations of the Task Force on State Off... Page 18 of 23
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LR 3908
Item 1

management program works well in very small municipalities and
in municipalities experiencing greater or less growth. The
task force shall also consider ways to strengthen the State's
enabling legislation for impact fees. The task force shall
develop recommendations to make the growth management laws
more effective in controlling sprawl, including
recommendations on funding, staffing and statutory changes.
In developing its recommendations, the task force shall
consider appropriate regional models for growth management.

B. The task force shall establish an advisory working
group, including people outside of the task force, to review
municipal subdivision law and its impact on local planning
and growth management and to consider recommendations to
streamline the local review process and to make the law a
more effective tool in the planning process. The task force
may establish additional advisory working groups as it
considers appropriate.

3. The task force shall complete its work by November 1, 2000
and submit its report, together with any implementing
legislation, to the First Regular Session of the 120th
Legislature. If the task force requires an extension of time to
make its report, it may apply to the Legislative Council, which
may grant the extension.

4. Members of the task force who are Legislators are entitled
to receive the legislative per diem and reimbursement of
necessary expenses for their attendance at authorized meetings of
the task force. Public members not otherwise compensated by
their employers or other entities whom they represent are
entitled to receive reimbursement of necessary expenses and a per
diem equal to the legislative per diem for their attendance at
authorized meetings of the task force.

5. Upon approval of the Legislative Council, the Office of
Policy and Legal Analysis shall provide necessary staffing
services to the task force.

6. The cochairs of the task force, with assistance from the
task force staff, shall administer the task force's budget.
Within 10 days after its first meeting, the task force shall
present a work plan and proposed budget to the Legislative
Council for approval. The task force may not incur expenses that
would result in the task force exceeding its approved budget.

Sec. 14. Report on rural lands. The Land and Water Resources Council
shall submit a report to the Legislature by

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