LD 2600
pg. 18
Page 17 of 23 An Act to Implement the Land Use Recommendations of the Task Force on State Off... Page 19 of 23
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LR 3908
Item 1

January 15, 2001 with an evaluation of and recommendations on the
use of incentives to keep rural land undeveloped.

Sec. 15. Brownfields initiative; report. The Executive Department, State
Planning Office and the Department of Environmental Protection
shall undertake an initiative to promote the Maine Municipal
Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund administered by the Maine
Municipal Bond Bank, and the voluntary response action program,
administered by the Department of Environmental Protection
pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, section 343-E,
and shall submit a joint report by January 15, 2001 to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
natural resources matters with an evaluation of the initiative
and recommendations for expanding the redevelopment in the State
of abandoned, idled or underused industrial or commercial
property where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real
or perceived environmental contamination, also known as

Sec. 16. Review of state codes. The Office of the State Fire Marshal
within the Department of Public Safety shall convene a
stakeholders group, including the Department of Public Safety,
the Bureau of General Services within the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services, the Historic Preservation
Commission, local code enforcement officers and disability rights
advocates, to review state codes and federal regulations that
restrict the reuse of existing structures and to recommend
revisions to encourage renovation of existing buildings. As part
of its review, the stakeholders group shall review New Jersey's
rehabilitation subcode for existing buildings undergoing
renovations and its applicability to Maine. The Office of the
State Fire Marshal shall submit a report with its recommendations
by January 15, 2001 to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over natural resources matters
and the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over economic development matters.

Sec. 17. Model ordinances. The Executive Department, State Planning
Office shall work with municipalities and regional planning
commissions to develop model land use ordinances that accommodate
so-called "smart growth" design standards and provide for
flexibility in zoning regulations to allow for traditional,
compact development in designated growth areas and to preserve
and revitalize existing neighborhoods.

Sec. 18. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from
the General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Act.


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