LD 2600
pg. 3
Page 2 of 23 An Act to Implement the Land Use Recommendations of the Task Force on State Off... Page 4 of 23
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LR 3908
Item 1

4. Consistent siting. The state board shall adopt criteria
governing applications under this chapter to direct construction
projects for new schools to areas determined suitable under the
provisions of Title 30-A, chapter 187, subchapter II, by the
municipality within which the project will be located. The board
may not require a minimum contiguous parcel size for the project
as a condition of approval. The criteria must require that the
municipality in which the project will be located consider, with
the assistance of the Executive Department, State Planning
Office, priority locations in selecting a school building site.__
Priority locations are as follows:

A.__A locally designated growth area, as identified in a
comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to Title 30-A, chapter
187, subchapter II; or

B.__In the absence of a comprehensive plan pursuant to
paragraph A, an area served by a public sewer system that
has the capacity for the school construction project, an
area identified by the latest Federal Decennial Census as a
census designated place, or a compact area of an urban
compact municipality as defined by Title 23, section 754.

If the municipality does not select a school building site in a
priority location, the municipality shall provide a written
explanation to the state board explaining why a priority site was
not selected.__State funds may then be used for the project only
if the municipality in which the project will be located
certifies to the state board that the municipality's land use
regulations do not prohibit, within a 1/4 mile of the edge of the
property on which the school construction project will be
located, residential development at a density of at least 3
dwelling units per acre if the area is served by a public sewer
system or at least 1.5 dwellings per acre if the area is not
served by a public sewer system.__The state board may waive this
requirement if the municipality certifies that more restrictive
municipal land use regulations are necessary because the area
contains wetlands or similar natural resources unsuitable for
residential development at that density.

Sec. 5. 30-A MRSA §4301, sub-§§5-A and 5-B are enacted to read:

5-A.__Downtown.__"Downtown" means the traditional central
business district of a community that has served as the center
for socioeconomic interaction in the community and is
characterized by a cohesive core of commercial and mixed-use
buildings, often interspersed with civic, religious and
residential buildings and public spaces, typically arranged along

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