LD 2648
pg. 4
Page 3 of 7 An Act to Enter Into the International Emergency Management Assistance Compact ... Page 5 of 7
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LR 4111
Item 1

2.__Request assistance.__The authorized representative of a party
jurisdiction may request assistance of another party jurisdiction
by contacting the authorized representative of that party
jurisdiction.__The provisions of this compact only apply to
requests for assistance made by and to authorized representatives.__
Requests may be verbal or in writing.__If verbal, the request must
be confirmed in writing within 30 days of the verbal request.__
Requests must provide the following information:

A.__A description of the emergency service function for
which assistance is needed, including but not limited to:
fire services, emergency medical, transportation,
communications, public works and engineering, building
inspection, planning and information assistance, mass care,
resource support, health and medical services and search and

B.__The amount and type of personnel, equipment, materials
and supplies needed and a reasonable estimate of the length
of time they will be needed; and

C.__The specific place and time for staging of the assisting
party's response and a point of contact at the location.

3.__Consultation between party jurisdictions' officials.__
There must be frequent consultation between the party
jurisdictions' officials who have assigned emergency management
responsibilities and other appropriate representatives of the
party jurisdictions and the federal governments, with free
exchange of information, plans and resource records relating to
emergency capabilities.

§938.__Limitation - Article IV

Any party jurisdiction requested to render mutual aid or
conduct exercises and training for mutual aid shall take such
action as is necessary to provide and make available the
resources covered by this compact in accordance with the terms of
this compact, except that it is understood that the party
jurisdiction rendering aid may withhold resources to the extent
necessary to provide reasonable protection for that party
jurisdiction.__Each party jurisdiction shall afford to the
emergency forces of any party jurisdiction, while operating
within its jurisdiction limits under the terms and conditions of
this compact and under the control of an officer of the
requesting party jurisdiction, the same powers, duties, rights,
privileges and immunities as are afforded similar or like forces
of the party jurisdiction in which they are performing emergency

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