LD 2648
pg. 5
Page 4 of 7 An Act to Enter Into the International Emergency Management Assistance Compact ... Page 6 of 7
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LR 4111
Item 1

services.__Emergency forces continue under the command and control
of their regular leaders, but the organizational units come under
the operational control of the emergency services authorities of
the party jurisdiction receiving assistance.__These conditions may
be activated, as needed, by the party jurisdiction that is to
receive assistance or commencement of exercises or training for
mutual aid and continue as long as the exercises or training for
mutual aid are in progress, the emergency or disaster remains in
effect or loaned resources remain in the receiving party
jurisdiction or jurisdictions, whichever is longer.

§939.__Licenses and permits - Article V

Whenever a person holds a license, certificate or other permit
issued by any party jurisdiction to the compact evidencing the
meeting of qualifications for professional, mechanical or other
skills, and when such assistance is requested by the receiving
party jurisdiction, such person is deemed to be licensed,
certified or permitted by the party jurisdiction requesting
assistance to render aid involving such skill to meet an
emergency or disaster, subject to such limitations and conditions
as the requesting party jurisdiction prescribes by executive
order or otherwise.

§940.__Liability - Article VI

Any person or entity of a party jurisdiction rendering aid in
another party jurisdiction pursuant to this compact is considered
an agent of the requesting party jurisdiction for tort liability
and immunity purposes.__Any person or entity rendering aid in
another party jurisdiction pursuant to this compact is not liable
on account of any act or omission made in good faith on the part
of such forces while so engaged or on account of the maintenance
or use of any equipment or supplies in connection therewith.__
Good faith in this section does not include willful misconduct,
gross negligence or recklessness.

§941.__Supplementary agreements - Article VII

Because it is probable that the pattern and detail of the
machinery for mutual aid among 2 or more jurisdictions may differ
from that among the party jurisdictions of this compact, this
compact contains elements of a broad base common to all party
jurisdictions, and nothing in this compact precludes any party
jurisdiction from entering into supplementary agreements with
another party jurisdiction or affects any other agreements
already in force between party jurisdictions.__Supplementary
agreements may include, but are not limited to, provisions for
evacuation and reception of injured and other persons and the

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