LD 2648
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act to Enter Into the International Emergency Management Assistance Compact ... Page 7 of 7
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LR 4111
Item 1

exchange of medical, fire, public utility, reconnaissance, welfare,
transportation and communications personnel, equipment and

§942.__Workers' compensation and death benefits - Article VIII

Each party jurisdiction shall provide for the payment of
workers' compensation and death benefits to injured members of
the emergency forces of that party jurisdiction and to
representatives of deceased members of those forces if the
members sustain injuries or are killed while rendering aid
pursuant to this compact, in the same manner and on the same
terms as if the injury or death were sustained within their own
party jurisdiction.

§943.__Reimbursement - Article IX

Any party jurisdiction rendering aid in another party
jurisdiction pursuant to this compact must, if requested, be
reimbursed by the party jurisdiction receiving such aid for any
loss or damage to or expense incurred in the operation of any
equipment and the provision of any service in answering a request
for aid and for the costs incurred in connection with those
requests.__An aiding party jurisdiction may assume in whole or in
part any such loss, damage, expense or other cost or may loan
such equipment or donate such services to the receiving party
jurisdiction without charge or cost.__Any 2 or more party
jurisdictions may enter into supplementary agreements
establishing a different allocation of costs among those party
jurisdictions.__Expenses under section 942 are not reimbursable
under this section.

§944.__Evacuation - Article X

Each party jurisdiction shall prepare and maintain plans to
facilitate the movement and reception of evacuees into or across
its territory.__After the termination of the emergency or
disaster, the party jurisdiction from which the evacuees came
shall assume the responsibility for the ultimate support of
repatriation of such evacuees.

§945.__Implementation - Article XI

1.__Enactment. This compact becomes operative immediately upon
its adoption by any 2 of the states and provinces listed in
section 935 and upon the approval or authorization of the United
States Congress, if required.__After it becomes operative, this
compact becomes effective as to any other state or province upon
its enactment by that state or province.

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