LD 2661
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Joint Standing Committee on Educatio... Page 4 of 4
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LR 4092
Item 1

Sec. 7. 27 MRSA §268 is enacted to read:


The duties of the State Historian are:

1.__History and heritage.__To enhance the knowledge of Maine
citizens of the State's history and heritage;

2.__Teaching of history.__To encourage the teaching of Maine
history in the public schools;

3.__Consult.__To serve as consultant to the Governor and
Legislature on matters pertaining to Maine history;

4.__Lecture.__To lecture on topics of Maine history within the
historian's area of expertise as determined appropriate by the
State Historian;

5.__Respond to inquiries.__To respond to inquiries about the
existence and location of documents, artifacts and other
materials of Maine history; and

6.__Report.__To report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over cultural affairs during the
first regular session of each legislative biennium.

Sec. 8. 27 MRSA §453, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1989, c. 912, §4, is
further amended to read:

1. Amount; gifts and donations. Any A contracting agency,
except a school administrative unit, shall expend out of any
money appropriated or allocated by the Legislature for the
construction of any a public building or facility, except for a
correctional facilties facility, a minimum amount of 1% of the
construction portion of the appropriation or allocation, for the
purpose of acquiring, transporting and installing works of art.
School units which that have decided to participate in the
Percent for Art Program shall expend a minimum amount of 1% of
the cost of the eligible school construction project or of any
building or facility that is part of an eligible project or
$40,000 $50,000, whichever is less.

Donations and gifts to the contracting agency may be used to
offset the minimum amount identified in this subsection. The
value of works of art received as a donation or a gift shall must
be determined by the commission.

Sec. 9. Transition to 4-year terms for Maine State Museum Commission members.
The limit of 2 consecutive terms for members

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