LD 2661
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Implement Recommendations of the Joint Standing Committee on Educatio... LD 2661 Title Page
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LR 4092
Item 1

of the Maine State Museum Commission applies to full terms
beginning after the effective date of this Act. Members holding
office on the Maine State Museum Commission on the effective date
of this Act or successors appointed to serve the remainder of those
terms remain in office until expiration of the terms. After the
effective date of this Act, the first 8 terms that expire must be
filled by appointments, including reappointment of the incumbent,
that expire on the anniversary date of that position in the year
2006. When the remaining 7 positions expire, they must be filled
by appointments, including reappointment of the incumbent, that
expire on the anniversary date of that position in the year 2008.


This bill implements the recommendations made by the Joint
Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs as a result
of the committee's review of state cultural agencies and other
agencies under the State Government Evaluation Act. The bill:

1. Repeals the law establishing the Maine Conservation
School; the school will continue as a nonprofit corporation
operating under Maine law;

2. Reduces the term of members of the Maine State Museum
Commission from 6 years to 4 years, establishes a 2-term limit
for members and provides for the transition from the old law to
the new;

3. Repeals obsolete provisions and enacts an updated law
governing the qualifications, appointment and duties of the State

4. Increases from $40,000 to $50,000 the cap on Percent for
Art Program projects for public schools that elect to participate
in the program; and

5. Provides for a separate annual budget line for the Maine
Humanities Council.

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