LD 2662
pg. 12
Page 11 of 13 An Act to Amend the Maine Milk Laws Page 13 of 13
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LR 4124
Item 1

Order northeast marketing area milk marketing order as adjusted to
reflect the increased costs of production pursuant to section 2954,
subsection 2, paragraph A.

Sec. B-12. 7 MRSA §3153, sub-§2, ķA, as amended by PL 1999, c. 210, §1,
is further amended to read:

A. Effective June 1, 1984 January 1, 2000, each Maine
market dealer shall, on a monthly basis, calculate for its
Maine market producers the amount of payment at the adjusted
base minimum price that would be payable to its Maine market
producers according to the blend price calculated using that
dealer's utilization rate, and the amount of payment at the
base minimum price that would be due its Maine market
producers according to the blend price calculated using the
applicable utilization rate component prices and producer
price differential for Suffolk County, Massachusetts for the
New England Milk Marketing Order northeast marketing area
milk marketing order. Each Maine market dealer shall make
an initial payment at the base minimum price to its Maine
market producers according to the blend price calculated
using the Federal Milk Order utilization rate or the Federal
Milk Order Zone 1 blend price, whichever is greater, but
shall comply in all other respects using established minimum
component prices and the producer price differential for the
northeast marketing area milk marketing order for Suffolk
County, Massachusetts in accordance with chapter 603. Any
additional payment at the adjusted base minimum price that
would be due its Maine market producers pursuant to that
dealer's applicable utilization rate must be made to the
Maine Milk Pool. Based on the fact that northern Maine
market producers presently operate at significantly higher
costs because of their remoteness from markets and supplies,
that they face greater risks because they operate on a
closer margin and because their markets are less secure,
payments to the Maine Milk Pool at the adjusted base minimum
price attributable to northern Maine market producers must
be reduced by 1/2 and those producers' initial payments
under this section must be increased by the corresponding
amounts. The commissioner shall adopt by rule such
procedures as are necessary to implement this section.

Sec. B-13. 7 MRSA §3153, sub-§4, ķA, as amended by PL 1991, c. 12, is
further amended to read:

A. If any Boston market producer whose farm is located within
140 miles of Boston receives a plant price, excluding deductions
or additions imposed by the so-called Louisville Plan as defined
by Part 1001, Federal Milk Order No. 1, Section 1001.61,
Subsections c and d, or any amendment

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