LD 2662
pg. 13
Page 12 of 13 An Act to Amend the Maine Milk Laws LD 2662 Title Page
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LR 4124
Item 1

thereto, northeast marketing area milk marketing order or
imposed by any other seasonal balancing plan subsequently
adopted by Federal Order No. 1 the northeast marketing area
milk marketing order, which that is an amount greater than the
amount initially payable to Maine market producers under
subsection 2, paragraph A, the commissioner shall credit that
additional amount against the redistribution from the Maine
Milk Pool to which that producer would otherwise be entitled
in order to avoid potential inequities arising from equal

Sec. B-14. Retroactivity. This Part applies retroactively to January
1, 2000.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


The Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources will
incur some minor additional costs to administer certain permit
processes, to administer an injunction process and to cover the
costs incurred by members of the Maine Milk Commission to attend
certain meetings. These costs can be absorbed within the
department's existing budgeted resources.

The additional workload and administrative costs associated
with the minimal number of new cases filed in the court system
can be absorbed within the budgeted resources of the Judicial
Department. The collection of additional fines may increase
General Fund revenue by minor amounts.


Part A of this bill amends statutory definitions to use terms
consistent with definitions in the proposed major substantive
rules. It increases the fines for violations of the Maine milk
laws. It clarifies activities relating to the sale and
distribution of milk and milk products that require a license or
permit from the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural

Part B of this bill makes statutory changes to provide for
payment to producers using component pricing.

The bill includes a fiscal note.

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