LD 2665
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Provide for Statewide Standards for Timber Harvesting in Shoreland Ar... Page 3 of 3
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LR 4087
Item 1

10.__Road construction associated with forest management
activities.__ A permit by rule for road construction or
maintenance associated with a forest management activity becomes
effective upon receipt of notification by the department as long

A. The road construction or maintenance is eligible for a
permit by rule; and

B. The notification is on a form provided by the department
and is complete.

This subsection is repealed August 1, 2002.

Sec. 4. Legislation authorized. The joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over forestry matters may report
out a bill to the Second Regular Session of the 120th Legislature
to specify that the standards for timber harvesting activities in
areas adjacent to standing and flowing water bodies and wetlands
adopted pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, section
8867-B apply statewide. The legislation must amend provisions in
Title 12, chapter 206-A administered by the Maine Land Use
Regulation Commission and in Title 38, chapter 3, subchapter I,
articles 2-B and 5-A administered by the Department of
Environmental Protection and to clarify the authority of these
agencies to regulate timber harvesting.


The Department of Conservation will incur some minor
additional costs to adopt certain rules pertaining to timber
harvesting and submit the required report. These costs can be
absorbed within the department's existing budgeted resources.

The Department of Environmental Protection will incur some
minor additional costs to administer certain permit-by-rule
requirements. These costs can be absorbed within the
department's existing budgeted resources.


This bill, which is the majority report, directs the
Commissioner of Conservation to provisionally adopt rules to
establish statewide standards for timber harvesting activities in
areas adjacent to rivers, streams, ponds, wetlands and tidal
waters. It requires the rules to retain standards established by
the Department of Environmental Protection under the laws

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