LD 2665
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Provide for Statewide Standards for Timber Harvesting in Shoreland Ar... LD 2665 Title Page
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Item 1

relating to mandatory shoreland zoning and natural resources
protection when those standards are consistent with standards
established by the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission. It
authorizes the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over forestry matters to report out a bill to the
Second Regular Session of the 120th Legislature to amend statutes
administered and enforced by the Department of Environmental
Protection and the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission pertaining
to timber harvesting activities. This bill also eliminates any
waiting period for road construction activities associated with
forest management activities. A permit by rule becomes effective
when the Department of Environmental Protection receives
notification of the activity as long as the notification is
complete and the activity is eligible for a permit by rule.

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