LD 2669
pg. 10
Page 9 of 10 An Act to Implement the Tax Policy Recommendations of the Task Force Created to... LD 2669 Title Page
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LR 4129
Item 1

5.1% to 5.3% of sales and income tax revenues. Beginning in fiscal
year 2000-01, revenue-sharing funds in excess of amounts
distributed to municipalities in fiscal year 1999-2000 are
distributed according to a formula that provides enhanced relief to
municipalities that are experiencing a disproportionate property
tax burden as a result of service center responsibilities, a large
proportion of exempt property or other factors. This mechanism
ensures the integrity of the current state-municipal revenue-
sharing program by requiring that amounts dedicated to the original
revenue-sharing program be equal to amounts transferred to the
program in the preceding year as adjusted for inflation or revenue

2. The bill makes changes to enhance the effectiveness of the
farm and open space tax law. These changes include reimbursement
to municipalities for revenue lost under the program, reducing
the penalty for withdrawal from the program to the constitutional
minimum, enhancing the State's role in establishing recommended
valuation guidelines for local assessors and expanding
eligibility by reducing the minimum acreage for inclusion in the
program from 5 acres to 2 acres.

3. The bill provides a sales tax exemption or refund for
electricity used in commercial agriculture, fishing or

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