LD 2669
pg. 9
Page 8 of 10 An Act to Implement the Tax Policy Recommendations of the Task Force Created to... Page 10 of 10
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LR 4129
Item 1

additional property eligible from the reduction of the acreage
threshold. The estimated net additional costs for current use
valuation tax reimbursements in fiscal year 2001-02 and 2002-03,
including reimbursement for state mandate costs, are approximately
$300,000 and $330,000, respectively. The expansion of eligibility
will result in additional applications and additional processing
costs for municipalities and represents a state mandate pursuant to
the Constitution of Maine. The additional local costs are
estimated to be less than $200 annually. Reimbursements for these
mandate costs will be required beginning in fiscal year 2001-02.

The sales tax exemption or refund for electricity used in
commercial agriculture, fishing or aquaculture will decrease
sales tax collections by $238,316 in fiscal year 2000-01,
$266,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 and $271,000 in fiscal year 2002-
03. The reduction of these tax collections will decrease the
amounts transferred to the Local Government Fund for state-
municipal revenue sharing in those years by $12,154, $13,566 and
$13,821, respectively. The resulting net reductions of General
Fund revenue will be $226,162 in fiscal year 2000-01, $252,434 in
fiscal year 2001-02 and $257,179 in fiscal year 2002-03.

The Bureau of Revenue Services within the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services will incur some minor
additional administrative costs to implement these changes to the
tax laws. These costs can be absorbed within the bureau's
existing budgeted resources.

The Governor's proposed 2000-2001 supplemental budget also
includes proposals that provide reimbursement for valuation under
farm and open space tax laws, a reduced acreage threshold for
eligibility for farm and open space valuation and the sales tax
exemption or refund for electricity used in commercial
agriculture, fishing or aquaculture.


This bill implements the tax policy recommendations of the
Task Force on State Office Building Location, Other State Growth-
related Capital Investments and Patterns of Development, commonly
referred to as the "Smart Growth Task Force." The bill
implements the following tax policies.

1. The bill provides for additional state-municipal revenue-
sharing for all municipalities with a property tax rate in excess
of 10 mills. The amount of General Fund revenue dedicated to
state-municipal revenue-sharing is increased from

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