LD 2669
pg. 3
Page 2 of 10 An Act to Implement the Tax Policy Recommendations of the Task Force Created to... Page 4 of 10
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LR 4129
Item 1

and Rural Resources as provided in section 1119 and adjusted by the
assessor if determined necessary on the basis of such
considerations as farmland rentals, farmer-to-farmer sales, soil
types and quality, commodity values, topography and other relevant
considerations factors. These values may not reflect development
or market value purposes other than agricultural or horticultural
use. The values may not reflect value attributable to road
frontage or shore frontage. In developing these values, local
assessors may be guided by the Department of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Resources as provided in section 1119.

Sec. 8. 36 MRSA §1108, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1987, c. 728, §5, is
further amended to read:

1. Organized areas. The municipal assessors shall adjust the
100% valuations per acre for farmland for their jurisdiction by
whatever ratio or percentage of current just value, is then being
applied to other property within the municipality to obtain the
assessed values. For any tax year, the classified farmland value
must may reflect only the current use value for farm or open
space purposes and shall may not include any increment of value
reflecting development pressure. Commencing April 1, 1978, land
in the organized areas subject to taxation under this subchapter
shall must be taxed at the property tax rate applicable to other
property in the municipality, which rate shall must be applied to
the assessed values so determined.

For tax years beginning on or after April 1, 2000, the State Tax
Assessor shall determine annually the amount of acreage in each
municipality that is classified as farmland and taxed in
accordance with this subchapter.__A municipality actually levying
and collecting municipal property taxes and within whose
boundaries this acreage lies is entitled to annual payments from
money appropriated by the Legislature if the municipality submits
an annual return in accordance with section 383 and it achieves
the appropriate minimum assessment ratio described in section
327.__The reimbursement is equal to 90% of the per-acre tax
revenue lost as a result of this subchapter.__For purposes of
this subsection, the tax revenue lost is the tax that would have
been assessed, but for this subchapter, on the classified
farmlands if they had been assessed according to the undeveloped
acreage valuations used in the state valuation then in effect or
according to the current local valuation on undeveloped acreage,
whichever is less, minus the tax that was actually assessed on
the same lands in accordance with this subchapter.__A
municipality that fails to achieve the minimum assessment ratio
established in section 327 loses 10% of the reimbursement
provided by this subsection for each one percentage point the
minimum assessment ratio falls below the ratio established in
section 327.__The State Tax Assessor shall pay any municipal

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