LD 2669
pg. 4
Page 3 of 10 An Act to Implement the Tax Policy Recommendations of the Task Force Created to... Page 5 of 10
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LR 4129
Item 1

claim found to be in satisfactory form within 90 days after receipt
of the claim.

A municipality may not receive a reimbursement payment under this
subsection that exceeds an amount determined by calculating the
farmland tax loss less the municipal savings in education costs
attributable to reduced state valuation.

A. The farmland tax loss is the adjusted tax that would have
been assessed, but for this subchapter, on the classified
farmlands if they had been assessed according to the
undeveloped acreage valuations used in the state valuation
then in effect minus the tax that was actually assessed on
the same lands in accordance with this subchapter.

In determining the adjusted tax that would have been
assessed, the tax rate to be used is computed by adding the
additional school support required by the modified state
valuation attributable to the increased valuation of
farmland to the original tax committed and dividing this sum
by the modified total municipal valuation.__The adjusted tax
rate is then applied to the valuation of farmland based on
the undeveloped acreage valuations, adjusted by the
certified ratio, to determine the adjusted tax.

B. The municipal savings in education costs is determined by
multiplying the school subsidy index by the change in state
valuation attributable to the use of the valuations
determined in accordance with this subchapter on classified
farmlands rather than their valuation using the undeveloped
acreage valuations used in the state valuation then in

Sec. 9. 36 MRSA §1109, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1987, c. 728, §7, is
further amended to read:

2. Provisional classification. The owner of a parcel of
land, including woodland and wasteland of at least 5 contiguous
acres on which farming or agricultural activities have not
produced the gross income required in section 1102, subsection 4,
per year for one of the 2 or 3 of the 5 preceding calendar years,
may apply for a 2-year provisional classification as farmland by
submitting a signed schedule in duplicate, on or before April 1st
of the year for which provisional classification is requested,
identifying the land to be taxed hereunder under this subsection,
listing the number of acres of each farmland classification,
showing the location of the land in each classification and
representing that the applicant intends to conduct farming or
agricultural activities upon that parcel. Upon receipt of the
schedule, the land shall must be provisionally classified as

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