LD 2676
pg. 15
Page 14 of 23 An Act to Repeal Certain Inactive Boards and Commissions and to Amend Certain L... Page 16 of 23
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LR 4079
Item 1

Program, section 3189, for the medical costs or injury, disease,
disability or similar occurrence for which an insurer is liable,
and the insured's claim is payable to a health care provider as
provided or permitted by the terms of a health insurance policy or
pursuant to an assignment of rights by an insured, the insurer
shall directly reimburse the health care provider to the extent
that the claim is honored.

2-C. Direct reimbursement to the Department of Human
Services. When an insured is eligible under the Medicaid program
administered by the Department of Human Services, pursuant to the
United States Social Security Act, Title XIX, or under the Maine
Health Program, section 3189, for the medical costs of injury,
disease, disability or similar occurrence for which an insurer is
liable, and the claim is not payable to a health care provider
under the terms of the health insurance policy, the insurer shall
directly reimburse the Department of Human Services, upon
request, for any medical services paid by the department on
behalf of a Medicaid or Maine Health Program recipient to the
extent that those medical services are payable under the terms of
the health insurance policy.

Sec. 97. 22 MRSA §14, sub-§§2-D and 2-E, as amended by PL 1991, c. 9,
Pt. N, §4, are further amended to read:

2-D. Notification of claim. A Medicaid or Maine Health
Program recipient, or any attorney representing a Medicaid or
Maine Health Program recipient, who makes a claim to recover the
medical cost of injury, disease, disability or similar occurrence
for which the party received medical benefits under the Medicaid
program, pursuant to the United States Social Security Act, Title
XIX, or the Maine Health Program, section 3189, shall advise the
department in writing with information as required by the
department of the existence of the claim.

2-E. Notification of pleading. In any action to recover the
medical cost of injury, disease, disability or similar occurrence
for which the party received medical benefits under the Medicaid
program or Maine Health Program, the party bringing the action
shall notify the department of that action at least 10 days prior
to filing the pleadings. Department records indicating medical
benefits paid by the department on behalf of the recipient are
prima facie evidence of the medical expenses incurred by the
recipient for the related medical services.

Sec. 98. 22 MRSA §14, sub-§2-H, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1991, c.
815, §1, are amended to read:

A. Whenever a participating health care provider or the
department submits claims to an insurer, as defined in Title

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