LD 2676
pg. 16
Page 15 of 23 An Act to Repeal Certain Inactive Boards and Commissions and to Amend Certain L... Page 17 of 23
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LR 4079
Item 1

24-A, section 4, or to a health maintenance organization on
behalf of a Medicaid or Maine Health Program recipient for
whom an assignment of rights has been received, or whose
rights have been assigned by the operation of law, the insurer
or health maintenance organization doing business in the State
must respond within 60 days of receipt of a claim by
forwarding payment or issuing a notice of denial directly to
the submitter of the claim.

B. Whenever a nonparticipating health care provider or the
department on behalf of a nonparticipating provider submits
claims to an insurer, as defined in Title 24-A, section 4,
or a health maintenance organization that operates through a
series of participation agreements on behalf of a Medicaid
or Maine Health Program recipient for whom an assignment of
rights has been received or whose rights have been assigned
by the operation of law, the insurer or health maintenance
organization doing business in the State must respond within
60 days of receipt of a claim by forwarding payment, issuing
a notice of denial or issuing a copy of the explanation of
benefits directly to the submitter of the claim.

Sec. 99. 22 MRSA §14, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1997, c. 795, §4, is
further amended to read:

3. Definitions. For purposes of this section, "3rd party" or
"liable party" or "potentially liable party" means any entity,
including, but not limited to, an insurance carrier that may be
liable under a contract to provide health, automobile, workers'
compensation or other insurance coverage that is or may be liable
to pay all or part of the medical cost of injury, disease,
disability or similar occurrence of an applicant or recipient of
Medicaid or Maine Health Program benefits. For purposes of this
section and sections 18 and 19, an "insurance carrier" includes
health insurers, group health plans as defined in 29 United
States Code, Section 1167(1), service benefit plans and health
maintenance organizations.

"Liable party," "potentially liable party" or "3rd party" also
includes the trustee or trustees of any mortuary trust
established by the recipient or on the recipient's behalf in
which there is money remaining after the actual costs of the
funeral and burial have been paid in accordance with the terms of
the trust and in which there is no provision that the excess be
paid to the decedent's estate. "Liable party," "potentially
liable party" or "3rd party" may also include the recipient of
the Medicaid or Maine Health Program benefits.

Sec. 100. 22 MRSA §3189, as amended by PL 1995, c. 696, Pt. A, §37,
is repealed.

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