LD 2683
pg. 11
Page 10 of 14 An Act to Enhance Economic Development in the State of Maine Page 12 of 14
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LR 4141
Item 1




General Fund$1,873,000

This bill includes a General Fund appropriation of $1,690,000
in fiscal year 2000-01 for the Department of Economic and
Community Development to enhance economic development in the
state of Maine. This amount includes $1,000,000 for the Maine
Microenterprise Initiative Fund, $500,000 for the Regional
Economic Development Assistance Fund for grants to nonprofit
local or regional community organizations, $60,000 to contract
for field representative services and $130,000 for one
Information Technology Manager position and related expenses. A
General Fund appropriation of $125,000 in fiscal year 2000-01 for
the Maine Rural Development Council is also included for
development of community capacity building projects. A General
Fund appropriation of $58,000 in fiscal year 2000-01 for the
Maine Technical College System for the Aroostook County Machine
Tool Program is also included in this bill.

The additional costs associated with adopting rules, reporting
and administering the Maine Microenterprise Initiative Fund and
the Regional Economic Development Assistance Fund can be absorbed
by the Department of Economic and Community Development utilizing
existing budgeted resources.

The Finance Authority of Maine will incur some minor
additional costs to serve on the Agricultural Products
Utilization Commission. These costs can be absorbed within the
authority's existing budgeted resources.


Part A modifies the Economic Recovery Program administered by
the Finance Authority of Maine by making the programs more
flexible to meet the needs of Maine businesses.

The modifications allow the Finance Authority of Maine to
establish repayment terms reflective of the risk of a particular
loan by allowing the authority to use financing techniques such
as obtaining repayment based on the performance of the company
through royalty payments, repayment tied to actual cash flow or

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