LD 2683
pg. 12
Page 11 of 14 An Act to Enhance Economic Development in the State of Maine Page 13 of 14
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LR 4141
Item 1

through a convertible debenture, which allows the debt to be
converted to equity in the company.

It repeals the requirement that an applicant must have been
turned down by all other lenders. This allows the Finance
Authority of Maine to participate in financing packages with
commercial lenders and other economic development agencies.

Part B modifies the Maine Economic Development Venture Capital
Revolving Investment Program Fund administered by the Finance
Authority of Maine.

It clarifies that capitalization of the fund may come from
sources other than direct appropriations.

It amends the law to allow the authority to invest in newly
established venture capital funds that show evidence of
likelihood of success by the manager's background and other
factors, as well as established venture capital funds.

It amends the law to require that a private venture capital
fund receiving an investment from the authority certify to the
authority that it will undertake to invest in an amount equal to
the authority's investment in Maine manufacturers or Maine
companies that are involved in the development or application of
advanced technologies that provide a product or service that is
sold or projected to be sold predominantly outside the State or
that otherwise bring capital into the State.

It repeals the prohibition on an officer or employee of a
private venture capital firm from participating in a decision on
a project in which the officer or employee has a direct financial
interest. It replaces that provision with a requirement that the
authority's contract with the private venture capital firm give
the authority rights and access equal to all other investors in
the venture capital firm.

It amends the law to allow the venture capital funds receiving
an investment to use up to 4% annually of the funds received from
the authority for administrative purposes.

It repeals a provision that requires that a private venture
capital firm invest 80% of all its funds in a business that is
eligible for the Maine Seed Capital Tax Credit.

It adds a requirement that private venture capital funds that
receive an investment from the authority report on the amount of
funds invested in Maine manufacturers or Maine companies that are
involved in the development or application of advanced
technologies, that provide a product or service sold or

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