LD 2683
pg. 13
Page 12 of 14 An Act to Enhance Economic Development in the State of Maine Page 14 of 14
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LR 4141
Item 1

projected to be sold predominantly outside the State or that
otherwise bring capital into the State.

It transfers funds that have revolved back into the Economic
Recovery Program Fund to the Maine Economic Development Venture
Capital Revolving Investment Program Fund.

Part C appropriates funds to the Department of Economic and
Community Development for an information technology manager to
work with the Maine Business Works program.

Part D appropriates funds to the Department of Economic and
Community Development to allow the department to contract with a
field representative to serve in a currently underserved and
economically depressed area.

Part E directs the Maine Rural Development Council to provide
advocacy for the social and economic needs of rural Maine
communities and to develop community capacity building projects,
and it appropriates $125,000 to the council. The Maine Rural
Development Council is a quasi-independent state agency whose
members are representatives from intergovernmental and
interagency associations concerning rural development issues.

Part F establishes the Maine Microenterprise Initiative Fund
in the Department of Economic and Community Development. The
department will give grants from the fund to community-based
organizations providing training and technical assistance to
microenterprises. Priority consideration will be given to grant
applications that are joint applications or target low-income
individuals or areas of high unemployment. The department is
required to adopt rules to establish grant application procedures
and criteria. The bill appropriates from the General Fund a
nonlapsing $1,000,000 to the Maine Microenterprise Initiative

Part G establishes the Regional Economic Development
Assistance Fund in the Department of Economic and Community
Development. The department will award grants from the fund to
nonprofit community organizations providing local or regional
economic development programs. The bill appropriates $500,000
from the General Fund to the fund.

Part H amends the law creating the Agricultural Products
Utilization Commission by authorizing the commission to identify
issues related to the development of agriculturally derived fuel
industries in Maine, to identify agriculturally derived fuel
development programs and to analyze the potential for
agriculturally derived fuel production in Maine. It also adds
the chief executive officer of the Finance Authority of Maine to

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