LD 2683
pg. 5
Page 4 of 14 An Act to Enhance Economic Development in the State of Maine Page 6 of 14
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LR 4141
Item 1


Sec. E-1. Stimulate rural development. The Maine Rural Development
Council, a quasi-independent agency of the State, shall:

1. Provide advocacy for the social and economic needs and
issues of rural Maine communities, particularly in the most
distressed counties of the State;

2. Coordinate the development of "community capacity
building" projects and demonstrate innovative approaches to
achieving growth in these distressed counties through locally
developed strategies that are driven by civic vision, grounded in
communal assets and commanded by local leadership;

3. Stimulate rural development innovation and foster the flow
of information on "best practices" to these communities; and

4. Report annually to the Governor and the Legislature on the
effectiveness of these community capacity building projects and
recommendations for future action regarding conditions in the
rural areas of the State.

Sec. E-2. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from
the General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Part.



Maine Rural Development Council

All Other$125,000

Provides funds for the Maine Rural Development
Council for development of community capacity
building projects and for provision of
advocacy for social and economic needs in
rural Maine.


Sec. F-1. 5 MRSA c. 383, sub-c. II, art. 2-A is enacted to read:

Article 2-A

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