LD 2683
pg. 6
Page 5 of 14 An Act to Enhance Economic Development in the State of Maine Page 7 of 14
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LR 4141
Item 1



As used in this article, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1.__Community-based organization.__"Community-based
organization" means a nonprofit organization that has:

A.__A viable plan for providing training and technical
assistance to microenterprises;

B.__Broad-based community support;

C.__An adequate source of operating capital; and

D.__A demonstrated need for funding to provide training and
technical assistance to microenterprises.

2.__Fund.__"Fund" means the Maine Microenterprise Initiative
Fund established in section 13063-E.

3.__Microenterprise.__"Microenterprise" means a business
located in the State that produces goods or provides services and
has fewer than 10 full-time equivalent employees.

§13063-E.__Maine Microenterprise Initiative Fund

1.__Fund established.__The Maine Microenterprise Initiative
Fund is established as a nonlapsing fund administered by the
department.__The fund consists of money appropriated to it by the
Legislature from the General Fund and eligible investment
earnings from fund assets.__The fund must be held separate from
all other money, funds and accounts, and all eligible investment
earnings from fund assets must be credited to the fund.

2.__Fund purposes.__The department shall administer the fund
to provide grants to community-based organizations to aid them in
providing technical assistance and training to microenterprises.

§13063-F.__Application process

1.__Process established.__The department shall adopt rules
establishing an application process for fund grants for the
purposes set forth in section 13063-E, subsection 2.__In
establishing the application process, the department shall
consult with business experts involved with microenterprises in
the State.

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