LD 2684
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LR 4144
Item 1

5. Allocation to the Treasurer of State. That portion of the
state ceiling allocated under this section to the category of
general obligations obligation bonds of the State shall must be
allocated to the Treasurer of State, who may further allocate
that portion of the state ceiling to bonds of the State requiring
an allocation in order to qualify as tax-exempt bonds. Any
further allocation or reallocation of any portion of the state
ceiling from the Treasurer of State to another specific issuer
designated in this section must be done in accordance with the
requirements in subsection 1-A.

Sec. 4. 10 MRSA §363, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1991, c. 603, §2, is
further amended to read:

6. Allocation to the Finance Authority of Maine. That
portion of the state ceiling allocated to the category of bonds
which that are limited obligations of the issuer payable solely
from the revenues of the projects financed with the proceeds of
the bonds, other than for housing-related projects or issues
included in an issue of the Maine Municipal Bond Bank, as well as
that portion of the state ceiling allocated to bonds authorized
to be issued by the Finance Authority of Maine pursuant to Title
20-A, chapter 417-B, must be allocated to the Finance Authority
of Maine, which may further allocate that portion of the state
ceiling to bonds requiring an allocation in order to qualify as
tax-exempt bonds. Any further allocation or reallocation of any
portion of the state ceiling from the Finance Authority of Maine
to another specific issuer designated in this section must be
done in accordance with the requirements in subsection 1-A.

Sec. 5. 10 MRSA §363, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1989, c. 224, §1, is
further amended to read:

7. Allocation to the Maine Municipal Bond Bank. That portion
of the state ceiling allocated to the category of bonds which
that are general obligations of issuers within the State, other
than the State; which that are included in bond issues of the
Maine Municipal Bond Bank; which that are included in bond issues
of the Maine Public Utility Financing Bank; or which that are
qualified redevelopment bonds as defined in the United States
Code, Title 26, shall must be allocated to the Maine Municipal
Bond Bank, which may further allocate that portion of the state
ceiling to bonds requiring an allocation in order to qualify as
tax-exempt bonds. Any further allocation or reallocation of any
portion of the state ceiling from the Maine Municipal Bond Bank
to another specific issuer designated in this section must be
done in accordance with the requirements in subsection 1-A.

Sec. 6. 10 MRSA §363, sub-§8, as amended by PL 1999, c. 443, §2, is
further amended to read:

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