LD 2684
pg. 4
Page 3 of 15 An Act to Improve Oversight and Accountability of Student Loan Programs Funded ... Page 5 of 15
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LR 4144
Item 1

8. Allocations for educational bonds. That portion of the state
ceiling allocated to the categories of bonds providing funds for
the purposes of a corporation created pursuant to the former Title
20, section 2237, and Title 20-A, section 11407, or of the Maine
Educational Loan Authority must be allocated to that corporation or
to the Maine Educational Loan Authority, or both, and each may
further allocate the portion of the state ceiling allocated to it
to bonds requiring an allocation to qualify as tax-exempt bonds.
That portion of the state ceiling allocated to the issuance of
bonds for education loans for the Loans to Lenders Pilot Program
must be allocated to the Finance Authority of Maine. Any further
allocation or reallocation of any portion of the state ceiling from
the Maine Educational Loan Authority or a corporation created
pursuant to former Title 20, section 2237 and Title 20-A, section
11407 to each other or to another specific issuer designated in
this section must be done in accordance with the requirements in
subsection 1-A.

A. Prior to receiving issuing loans funded through an allocation
of the state ceiling for the issuance of education loans, an
issuer or lender must provide to the appropriate agency within
the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation examples
of the disclosures to be made to loan recipients or obligors. The
information must be provided to the Bureau of Banking if the
issuer or lender is a financial institution or credit union
established pursuant to state or federal law or to the Office of
Consumer Credit Regulation for all other issuers or lenders.
This information must be provided to the appropriate agency
within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation
upon request, or in the course of an examination of the issuer or
lender by the agency, and must include a description of any
interest rate or other discounts offered that clearly identifies
all of the terms and conditions of obtaining any discount, a
projection of the approximate number or percentage of loan
obligors who are likely to benefit from the discounts and any
other disclosures pursuant to guidelines established by the
Bureau of Banking and the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation
for the issuance of education loans that would benefit from an
allocation of the state ceiling. The Bureau of Banking and the
Office of Consumer Credit Regulation shall jointly adopt, to the
extent allowed by law, rules to carry out the provisions of this
paragraph by establishing uniform disclosure requirements and
sanctions for noncompliance. Rules adopted pursuant to this
paragraph are routine technical rules, as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A. All information provided to the
appropriate agencies within the Department of Professional

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