LD 2684
pg. 5
Page 4 of 15 An Act to Improve Oversight and Accountability of Student Loan Programs Funded ... Page 6 of 15
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LR 4144
Item 1

and Financial Regulation must include the source of the
information and the basis for any projections.

B. All education loans made under the federal Higher
Education Act of 1965, 20 United States Code, Chapter 28
that are purchased or originated with proceeds of tax-exempt
bonds using a portion of the state ceiling on private
activity bonds must be guaranteed by the state agency
designated as administrator of federal guaranteed student
loan programs pursuant to Title 20-A, chapter 417,
subchapter I, provided that this requirement does not apply
to serial loans of a borrower that are guaranteed by a
different guarantee agency and acquired or financed with
tax-exempt bond proceeds prior to the effective date of this
paragraph. The state agency designated as administrator of
federal guaranteed student loan programs pursuant to Title
20-A, chapter 417, subchapter I shall use its best efforts
to provide competitive rates for the guarantee function.
This paragraph is repealed on July 15, 2000.

B-1.__All education loans made under the federal Higher
Education Act of 1965, 20 United States Code, Chapter 28
that are purchased or originated with proceeds of tax-exempt
bonds using a portion of the state ceiling on private
activity bonds must be guaranteed by the state agency
designated as administrator of federal guaranteed student
loan programs pursuant to Title 20-A, chapter 417,
subchapter I, provided that this requirement does not apply
to serial loans of a borrower that are guaranteed by a
different guarantee agency and acquired or financed with
tax-exempt bond proceeds prior to the effective date of this
paragraph.__The state agency designated as administrator of
federal guaranteed student loan programs pursuant to Title
20-A, chapter 417, subchapter I shall use its best efforts
to provide competitive rates for the guarantee function.

Sec. 7. 10 MRSA §363, sub-§9, as amended by PL 1999, c. 443, §3, is
further amended to read:

9. Use of carryforward. In the event that any issuer has
made a carryforward election under the United States Code, Title
26, Section 146(f), as amended, the issuer shall use, to the
extent possible and consistent with the purpose for which the
carryforward was elected, the carryforward for issues subject to
the state ceiling prior to allocating any portion of the state
ceiling for the applicable calendar year to the issue. To the
extent permitted by federal law, a group consisting of a
representative of each of the issuers specifically identified in
subsections 4 to 7; a representative of a corporation created
pursuant to former Title 20, section 2237 and Title 20-A, section

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